Pied Beauty

Pied Beauty Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889) Overview All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small! This is about the only hymn I remember from my days at a Church of England primary school, but what a belter. No, I am not looking back on a missed opportunity of becoming a choir singing sensation. […]
Ants (from Dryades)

Ants (from Dryades) William Diaper (1685 -1717) Overview Aren’t ants smashing? Yes, yes, they are! This poem is an ode to ants and asks us to appreciate our little six legged troopers. The poem shows us that they are not just industrious little buggers, but humanises them and asks us to think of their cleverness, […]
A Different History

A Different History Sujatta Bhatt (1956-) Overview This poem is autobiographical and is an expression of Bhatt’s conflict between her Indian heritage and her life in the English speaking world. The first stanza talks about India; she values the way gods and nature are respected and allowed to thrive, but contrasts this, quite angrily, with […]