A Fresh New Look
So, I’ve made a start and the new site is now live! Just another 380 odd poems behind its former glory, but a start is a start. I’m enjoying playing with AI (Nightcafe is a lovely little site for this) to make all my new images for the posts and various new bits and bobs from Elementor to design and order everything. I think it looks smashing, but my opinion counts for nothing so please let me know if there is anything bothering you or any improvements you could suggest.
I’m still working on recovering the other poems and adding those I had saved, but I am also starting to think about what comes next. I want to do something about the IB programme, so might direct my next collection at something I am going to teach my students – this might be a bit of Christina Rossetti again or maybe something new to me. Any recommendations?
I’ll also be doing an exam or assessment focused section, which will be primarily for IB, but will still keep my eye on CIE stuff and see if I can support on that front. The more guidance from you about what you want help with, the more relevant my posts will be.
Anyway, should get back to my real work; Parent Teacher consultations online, so a few minutes in between chats to work on the site 🙂
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