A Fresh Look

A Fresh New Look So, I’ve made a start and the new site is now live! Just another 380 odd poems behind its former glory, but a start is a start. I’m enjoying playing with AI (Nightcafe is a lovely little site for this) to make all my new images for the posts and various new bits […]

A Different History

A Different History Sujatta Bhatt (1956-) Overview This poem is autobiographical and is an expression of Bhatt’s conflict between her Indian heritage and her life in the English speaking world. The first stanza talks about India; she values the way gods and nature are respected and allowed to thrive, but contrasts this, quite angrily, with […]

Sonnet 75 (Spenser)

Sonnet 75 Edmund Spenser (1609-1642) Overview An utterly beautiful, romantic little thing. Spenser is still the lovesick little puppy we saw in Sonnet 54, but now he has the affections of Elizabeth Boyle and it seems they are out for a nice trip to the beach. He writes her name in the sand only for […]